Help your new member catch the vision for exponential growth

Episode 1 September 14, 2021 00:01:29
Help your new member catch the vision for exponential growth
W07 S03
Help your new member catch the vision for exponential growth

Sep 14 2021 | 00:01:29


Show Notes

Many people believe in the power of building a strong one-dimensional network.

This is where you build strong relationships with a selected group of close associates that refer business to one another.

Let’s say you deliberately built a network of 10 such people.

However, what if instead, you empowered those 10 to rapidly build a network of 10 using a duplicatable system?

We suggest finding 5 people who understand the power of building a team of 5 and are keen to learn how to do it.

With the tools we have available, finding 5 people who will consistently take the action necessary to find 5 like-minded others is not at all difficult.

Even if your team member introduced no one they currently know, with consistent daily action of approximately half an hour per day, they could easily have 5 people join their team within 3 months of joining the CC. Obviously, it will be a lot faster when they introduce good network building candidates with whom they already have a strong trusted relationship.

If all the people that become members of their extended team, build trust and advocate for one another, the results are very powerful. And when this happens with people in the team of other network builders using the CC eco-system, the results can become very exciting!


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